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Move In Steps

Posted over 4 years ago  in Freshman Family.

Please review the image above, also attached as a PDF below, for your simplified move in steps.

  • When you arrive on campus, on your student's assigned move in date, please park in the BARC Parking Garage at the corner of N. Hamilton Street and E. Boone Avenue. There is no parking pass required.
  • After parking make your way West down Bulldog Alley walking past the John J. Hemmingson Center on your left. The first large lawn on your left is Foley Field. 
  • As you approach Foley Field you may want to stop and open a bank account for your student with our on campus banking partner, and proud sponsor of Parent and Family Relations, US Bank. They will have a tent set-up on Foley Field.
  • At this point it is time to take your first step towards allowing your student to function on their own as a college student.
    • Families that are registered for Parent and Family Orientation (PFO) will enter the line to check in with Parent and Family Relations on Foley Field.
      • If you have purchased a health care package before July 21st your student will receive a text message Friday (8/28) evening with directions for pick up.
        • If you ordered a health care package or welcome/care package after July 21st, your student will receive a text message with directions for pick up by September 15th.
    • While you're checking in on Foley Field, your student will, on their own, continue onto the next large lawn on the left, just past Crosby Center, Herak Quad, where they will check in, at the beginning of their assigned move-in time and no earlier, with Housing and Residence Life as well as Campus Card Services and First Year Experience Programs. They will receive their keys, zagcard, and new student orientation information all in this one stop shop on Herak Quad.
  • Both the Parent and Family Orientation check in exit and the student check in exit will be towards the back of Crosby Center, where you can regroup and head to the front of Foley Library for a contactless family photo opportunity before returning to your car and moving on to your student's residence hall.
  • Please limit the number of family members who assist your student move-in to the residence to two (2) individuals only.
  • Take your student out to dinner during the 6 - 8:30 PM break.
  • We kindly ask that you say your goodbyes when you drop your student off on campus at 8:30 PM and depart campus at that time.

Helpful Links:

Parent & Family Relations  -  509.313.5399  -  -

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